Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ZTA Love!

So I am in the middle of another 14-day work marathon that ends on Sunday. Then I get a day off and I'll be working from "home" a little next week, but still not nearly as much as I have been working. I " "'ed home because it's one of the places I call home, but I don't get any mail there; my dad's house. Yup, headed back to good ole Las Cruces, New Mexico. A trip there is loooong overdue. I haven't seen in my sorority sisters in a little over a year and I can NOT express how absolutely excited I am. I'm getting a little adrenaline rush just talking about it! I have only met my little virtually and I finally get to see her and give her a HUGE hug!! And my big??? Lord knows I miss that girl!! We've Skyped a few times, but we are soooo busy! I think I'll snuggle in her bed every night. And my pledge class! Gosh!! Shelby, Grayce, Beth, Libby ... ok I can't sit here and name everybody LOL. AAHH I am so excited!!! I will be there right smack in the middle of recruitment, so I know their lives are going to be crazy hectic ... Sadly, I won't get to see some of the recent grads/brides. Ya can't win 'em all though. I'll be thinking of them in spirit...Justine, the first ZTA I ever met on campus, Brooke B. ... words can't explain, Jacque Gr ... ehem execuse me ... Kennedy :-). I could talk about so many girls here and just thinking about all of them gives me that little feeling of nostalgia. I only talk to some of my sisters once every few weeks, and sometimes months, but if any one of them ever needed anything I would do my best to make it happen. Like when April came to Atlanta...there was NO way I would have one of my sisters in my city paying for a hotel!! Of course I volunteered our house (and of course I didn't ask Sharon until AFTER I told April she could stay at our house even though I wasn't there LOL).

When I first moved to Las Cruces in 2009, I was a little orphan child and ZTA took me as one of their own from day 1. People ask me all the time why I joined ZTA, being one of very few African American women in the entire sorority, and I have so many reasons! I tried my hand at NPHC, but finally realized it just wasn't for me. In fact, I had decided against going Greek, but when I moved to Cruces and didn't know anyone I thought, "What do I have to lose? If nothing else I can meet some cool girls and drop." Little did I know that I would fall in love with Beta Nu and grow to love ZTA soooo much during my time at NMSU. I love when all the Susan G. Komen events are happening and those little pale-pink ZTA ribbons are EVERYWHERE! And we have Founder's Day the same month as breast cancer awareness month, so it's the best time to see new and old Zetas get together. Ah, that just reminded me that I've got to get my ZTAlways service stuff over. Another awesome thing about ZTA is ZTAlways. It's the alumni chapter for women who travel a lot or don't have an established alumni chapter in their area. I'm the service chair for this term so I've got to plan all these super cool service projects that I am stoked about! It's a great way for me to stay connected with ZTA's from all over even though I'm ... well who knows where I am or where I'm going half the time. I got connected to Amy S. through ZTAlways and she is umm... don't even have words! I have to plan a dinner with her soon. She's so nice. She's my official ZTAlways buddy. hehe. That sounds really corny, but she is.

Oh yeah... I'll also see my dad in Las Cruces haha. Last time I was there he gave me a little guilt trip about hanging out with the girls so much. He was so excited about me moving to Las Cruces in 2009, but I don't think he planned on me always doing ZTA stuff while I was there (and when I visit lol). I'll be sure to spend time with him though! I was planning to cut my trip short and come back so that I could work through the weekend, but it's not worth it. I'll always have time to work. And if I have to wait a little while longer to save the money I need to move to South America, then that's just what I'll have to do. I don't see my dad nor my sorority sisters enough to rush through a trip just to get back to work. Work will always be there. The memories I'll make next week and the time I will spend with family and friends just isn't worth rushing through it.

Speaking of rushing, I've noticed that I am doing it a lot. I'm spending a lot of time complaining about being here and thinking about where I want to be without taking the time to smell the roses. I've been working 60-hour weeks most weeks to save money so that I can move to South America in December ...  but what is going to happen if I don't do that? Nothing. Absolutely nothing I will happen. I will just go in January...or February...or March...or whenever I feel like it. I've been working so much and not taking the time to appreciate my friends and family here. I could be saving money to go back to San Diego (my fave city in America), or to go back to Cruces for NMSU homecoming, or Chicago; never been there. I could go visit my uncle in Vegas. I've never been to Vegas and I don't see my Uncle Paul much. Shoot, I could make a trip up to PIttsburgh to visit my dad's family, and even make a drive down to good ole Mobile to see Carrie-Mae. And Puerto Rico. My mom and I planned to visit our fam in Puerto Rico for Christmas and I was gonna bail to save for South America, but I'm going to spend Christmas with her. Now that I'm busy, have my own car (that is SO good on gas), Henry here in Atlanta and Di and Caro in Athens I'm good to go. And Liz will be at Georgia State this year! I can make her hang out with me...and we'll visit Kaylee in Boston. Yes, she attends Berklee College of Music (she's fancy). Can't forget about Andrea and Karen! Maybe Danielle will move to the city and out of the boonies. But I won't count on it. I would also be excommunicated if I didn't mention visits to see Najah, Cori, and Bria. And maybe I'll meet a boy soon! (I won't hold my breath on that one though lol) I've been thinking about a few things:
     1. There are lessons to be learned in every situation and I think I still have a lesson to learn from living here in ATL.
     2. God won't give you something else until you can learn to be content with the what He has given you.
     3. There is something positive in every situation and something is only as bad as you make it.

On that note...Bring it on, America!


And thus commences the slide show...

Athens!! Andrea always looks fly! LOL

Night out in DC with Elena and Di

Some girls I don't see nearly enough!

My parents. :-)

A roommate whom I grew to love! Still in Athens <3

San Diego with Ms. Crista!

My ZTA family

Dear life in America,
I suppose you don't suck ... that bad ;-)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen...Be patient my chile and enjoy your moment. It is all you have. You know that is what I tell ya all the time. Great Blog!!!