Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Date is Set...

...well more or less lol. After two long conversations with friends living in Bogota and a few weeks of research I have come up with a plan. I am a lot less anxious now that I have everything in place ... well for the most part. I start TEFL classes in October for 6 consecutive weekends from 9-6 on Saturday and Sunday. Yeah, that schedule sucks! But what can ya do? I wasn't going to pay for the certification or spend the time in the class, but it's a good investment at the end of the day. I'm convinced that teaching English is my passport to the world. ... Or at least any country where they need English teachers. Other English teachers have told me that I don't need the certification. They are right, you don't need the certification to teach in a lot of countries. Lo que pasa es that you receive a higher salary when you have the certification and you have more opportunities. You aren't limited to just places that higher teachers without certification. Me explico? I won't finish class until the weekend of November 6, so I may as well stay and spend Thanksgiving with my family. I don't know when I'll be back after I leave, so I want to make sure I get some fam time in before I leave. PS: the picture up top is of Bogota (in case you didn't use your common sense and figure that out :-) I'll be crashing with a Colombia friend until I find my own place, unless someone can find something good before I get down there. Once I do some touristy stuff for a few weeks I'll look for a job and work on my visa app once I get down there. I was going to sell the new car so that I could have some more money, but I was convinced that it's a better idea to leave it parked at home. If anything happened to where I needed to come back home I will have it. And everyone knows Atlanta is one of the worst big cities in the world if you don't have a car. They really should work on the public transit system here. 

Having a plan makes my life so much simpler. I've never been much of a control freak (lies), so it doesn't bother me THAT much when I don't have a plan (lies lies lies). lol. I know you have to wait on God to reveal things to you sometimes, but the past few weeks of waiting on a revelation were nearly unbearable. Anyone who knows me knows that I am always planning. Always looking at finances. My step mom showed me how to use a spreadsheet to organize all of my finances and I've looked at it at least 4 times a week in the past few weeks. Rearranging. Prioritizing. Etc etc. I always keep plans flexible and I always have a plan b, c, and d. Always prepared. My plans change so much that my mother has told me not to tell her plans until I get ready to leave as in, "On Friday I am going to ____ for this long to do this and that." 

But now that I have somewhat of a concrete plan I have to get to saving. It's nearly impossible to save when you have to pay bills! I also have to make sure I go to New Mexico to visit my dad before I leave. I'll do that the week of the 29th (which means I won't be making any money for a whole week!), but ya gotta make sacrifices. Sidenote: Do you file your taxes when you live abroad? 

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