Monday, January 23, 2012

Not over Milan just yet.

So it is yet again almost 1am and I am not sleeping. I promised myself that I would wake up before noon tomorrow, but that only works if I go to sleep at a decent hour. Maybe I need to try what my mom would tell me when I was little and not ready for bed time, "I don't care if you're sleepy or not. Close your eyes long enough. You'll fall asleep." I got home about 45 minutes ago and I am still in my coat and scarf. SMH at myself. Yet another day has passed that I didn't get my eyebrows done :-/ Tomorrow is THE day. NO EXCUSES! I'm walking around Milan looking entirely too ratchett for my own good. My friends would be so embarrassed if they saw me right now. I did finish my personal statement for Bocconi though, so at least I did SOMETHING productive.

In other news, I am pretty sure that I am the most fickle person I know. This morning I was over Italy...time for the next country. But now that the day is over I'm not over it anymore LOL I am, however, finding it hard to adjust to this whole adult man living with mom deal. I knew it was acceptable for grown men (and I mean real grown, like 30) to live at home with mom, but come on! This is just too much. Living at home with mom as an adult because the economy is crappy and it's expensive to get your own place is slightly acceptable. OR living at home with mom at 24 or 25 because you just finished your Master's and you're looking for work. I will also accept reluctantly living and home and wishing you didn't. But "I don't know I have to ask my mom because that's dinner time" is unacceptable. Dude, you're 30, not 16. If I am being culturally insensitive I do sincerely apologize, but this whole mammone issue might be my breaking point with Italian men...yes even after the cigarettes! I can actually deal with the smoking if you are considerate enough not to do it around me and not to smell like smoke when we are together. I've even lowered my height restrictions because men are just, generally, made shorter here lol But adult men whose mothers still do their laundry and cut the ends off their sandwiches might just be a deal breaker for me.

Is it possible to pull a butt muscle? I'm pretty sure I did today trying to play in Benni's castello. If I move to far to the right my butt REALLY hurts! I was trying to explain to him that I am "troppo grande" for his castello, but he wasn't having it. I am now suffering the consequences of not standing my ground. He also successfully coughed his 3 year old flu germs in my face several times today, so I am likely to be sick again by Friday. Yay me!

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