Sunday, January 15, 2012

I live in Italy...

Today is Sunday...which means I don't have to work...winning...but it's also hair wash day, which means I spent my entire afternoon doing my hair...losing. Today I discovered the secret to get a straightening is a good blow dry, and the secret to a good blow dry is a good brush. I discovered that I have this little awkward patch of breakage, but I'm sure it's my fault and it will be okay if I keep my hands out of my head (something I've struggled with for about 6 years now and it is quite annoying).

Anywho, tomorrow starts my 4th week here in Milan and I'm starting to get settled in. Studying in the mornings, working in the evenings, and going out on the weekends. Learning a lot of Italian and actually holding small conversations in Italian. Last night I went to the movies to see that new movie with George C and Ryan G. Honestly, I only wanted to see it because I actually knew the actors. It legitimately sucked, and not because it was in Italian. I am sure everyone in the theater was as confused about the storyline as I (and my date) was. The most interesting part about the movie was the "Intervallo." Since I'm not an idiot I was able to deduce that intervallo means intermission. So I turn to my date and ask "What is this for?" know if you need to go pee or get something to eat. No. I don't know lol because the movie is only 2 hours and I don't understand why you would need an intermission lol Oh, the Italians.

Sidenote: I learned this week that Italy is younger than almost 100 years. Definitely didn't know that. Definitely changes the way I think about the country...not in a bad way. Mostly not in a bad way because, at this point, nothing can make me think bad about Italy (at least not Milan lol). I love this city. I love the people. I love the language. I love the food. I love my job. I love how things are inefficient and a little disorderly but people know it and don't care lol I think that's what I love most. There is a store across the street from out flat and I never know when they will be open. The daily schedule on the door is completely irrelevant. haha Actually, I love Milan so much that I am going to apply for a Master's program here. At least today I've seriously considered it. We'll see if I still want to apply tomorrow, or next week for that matter. The degree is in English of course, International Management, which is a little change from the other programs I've considered/applied for. At this point, I don't know what I want to do with my life. Sometimes I forget I'll be 23 this year lol. I feel like I'm still 20 sometimes. I don't why 20. Just seems like a good, even number.


Sherika H. said...

Wow, Dyci this is so awesome I am so happy and proud of you!!!! I love to read your blog it some awesome to see how the world is in different place and just to get a briefing on how things are going in Italy was so amazing... I almost felt as if I was there keep it up I definitely read your blogs we all get to see the world well moments of it as you tell us! Now I will like to visit Italy myself!!!!! Keep it up waiting on you next blog.......

Sherika ;o)

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blogs...I've never done that (read blogs)