Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Blog Post

So today is my 14th day in Milan, and this is my second blog post. I've been very lazy about writing. Actually, I've been lazy about everything except the stuff I REALLY want to do lol. Now that I'm done studying for the day and I do not work for another 2 hours, more or less, I have decided to compose a list of my favorite things about Milan.

1. The food. Duh. It's Italy.
2. My job. Although my boss thinks my name is Dissy my job is pretty dope. Outside of the job I got hired to do here I'll be teaching private lessons for English in the evenings and on weekends. Lesson planning sucks but actual teaching is great.
3. The food.
4. Cultural diversity. I have been pleasantly surprised to find so many types of people from all over here in Milan. Being culturally ambiguous is pretty cool. I've been asked if I'm Cuban, Domin ican, French,Italian, Ethiopian....never American lol
5. Plane tickets to other countries for 35euros or less.
6. Sleeping in every morning if I want to.

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