Monday, April 30, 2012

What I haven't told you just yet

First off, since there are 5 Italians in the entire city of Milan that actually know what guacamole is and nowhere in this city to buy it (that actually tastes good) for less than 10 euros, I decided to make some myself. It buss. Eating it right now. Since I managed to move to the neighborhood where every single Latino lives in Milan there are 3 international/Latino food stores nearby where I bought all the ingredients. I also made some salsa. It buss too. The salsa here in Milan is mostly mediocre and is a strange breed between tomato sauce and...well something else. Italians should stick with pasta and soup. They do those very very well.

 OK. Back on topic...I have pretty much decided (after a series of events undeniably designed by God himself, of which I will go into more detail later) to relocate to Milan for at least the next 2 to 2.5 years unless something miraculous decides to happen in my life and take me away...which after the past 3 weeks I wouldn't be surprised about at all. ... SN: Just to update those that aren't super close to me:
 1. I was fired from my au pair job...well I suppose technically I quit, but it was one of those situations where you want to break up with someone but you feel like crap doing it so you treat them like the dog shit on your shoe until they finally decide to break up with. So, yes, technically I did do the breaking up.

2. I found a super cute, new studio apartment and am now making it through this world living on my own, taking bubble baths every, really. Literally. Every. Night. I'm never home so I opted to buy some dvd's instead of getting a tv. And let me tell you...watching X-Men when you haven't seen it in like 5 years is uh-may-zing.

3. Started teaching private English lessons for all of 5 days before I was offered a full-time job doing communications and external relations...working for the coolest boss in the city.

4. Managed to survive a chronic (chronic=12 days) stomach ache, which I later told was not caused by an allergy, but was more likely caused by the fact that I ate pasta for breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday (yes I was only eating pasta. It's like the easiest thing to make!)

5. I also had to go shopping for 1. business clothes, and 2. new jeans because I was so stressed out that I wasn't eating or sleeping so I lost a lot of weight, and, as a result, my jeans sagged so low in the butt that it looked like I didn't make it to the restroom. ... if you know what I mean ;)

6. I also, in some divine way, managed to land an audition and a callback (still waiting for the final results...or no results lol) for a Hershey kisses commercial. We can all talk about how completely random my life is at another date. Since I've never actually gone to a commercial audition before I literally had no idea what I was doing. A friend told me to show up so I did LOL

 And that's the last 30 days of my life in 6 points.

The most fascinating thing about all of this is the fact that now that I am living on my own I am more obedient to my mom than I ever was when I was living with her. Whenever I leave the house I hear her say, "Dee, lock the door." ... and whenever I come in I hear her say, "How many times do I have to tell you to lock the door when you come in. It should become a habit!"...I have yet, even when I am in the biggest of hurries, to forget to lock the door. ... Dee why do you have all these lights on??! ... Dee, cut that big light off and turn the lamp on!...You need to be more aware of your surroundings when you are alone...Always have your keys out ready to hit someone because you're going to break all your fingers if you try to bunch someone with them thangs! :) ... It doesn't have to match Dyci. It's in the family (in reference to clothing colors) ... You don't have to answer to people. You have to answer to God ... It's like she is following me around all the time LOL The one thing I hear her say every night (and continue to ignore) is, "Dee, don't go to bed with these dishes in the sink"...that's just one thing I don't care enough about right now: cleaning the kitchen everyday. Maybe because my kitchen is so small LOL I might also feel like I talk to her everyday because I do talk to her everyday. Whether it's via e-mail, BBM, whatsapp, or Skype I talk to my mom everyday without fail.


Autum(n)atic said...

I'm so proud of you

ShaMo said...

It feels AMAZING to know you were listening to I know there is HOPE for you lil bro LOL! SMH! Love U!!!