Monday, December 26, 2011

Getting There.

So I've been pretty sporadic with the blog posting, but I know folks are gonna want to know about Milano. I'm on the plane now, so let's just start with the airport/ride...

So after working at the airport for a few months I made friends with a few Delta employees and am flying to Milan on a buddy pass. I've known for days that I wouldn't have a problem getting on. I was worried about my bags. Online it says you only get one bag free so I just knew I'd have to pay the bag fee, which turns out I got 2 free bags. Winning right? Eh, no. I get to the baggage drop and my bags are both overweight. $75/bag. So Sharon and I are deciding what we're gonna do. Take stuff out? Switch it around? The Vicky's Secret lotion and Mixed Chicks/Talijah Wajid were taking up a lot of weight, but I couldn't do without them. We ended up taking a loss and doing one overweight bag. Sometimes (all the time in my case lol) they'll let you slide, but the lady wasn't having that...which blew me because it's not coming out of your check, but whatever. No complaints with a $500 ticket and first class (or so I thought, which I'll discuss later). So after I pay for my bag, etc, I see a friend that works at another baggage drop counter. Ugh! Didn't know you work here #losing. But back to not complaining, I'm moving to Milan. So we get everything together and start walking to security. Sharon walks toward the main security gate...girl #foolish. *Heads to south security checkpoint.* (Sidenote: This phone is pissing me off. I have this little diary app thingy but I can only write 1000 characters. Consequently (is that how you spell this word? it's not in my autocorrect lol) I have to write this blog post in several different memos then copy and paste them all to the internet when I get to a wifi signal. THE blow). So we turn to say bye and Sharon wants to do this long drawn out hug. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind hugging my mom for a long time, I just get all uncomfortable when she gets all softy on me. I don't really know how to handle it. I just hugged her till she stopped hugging me. I didn't want to encounter one of those awkward moments when you are done hugging and the other person isn't. So when she decides we're done hugging she looks all sad and I'm like "Eeek! ! No no no." Of course I play it off, but for .2 seconds I thought about staying...ok for like .02 of a second lol. But I still thought about it because my mom looked so sad. It was actually really depressing. She said she was ok, but what did I expect her to say, "Yes I'm very sad. I will cry when I walk away."...? No. That wasn't going to happen. I'm sure she still won't admit it.

Security is quick. Stop by T and B to visit some friends working then head to my gate. I saw the finest man ever in my life on the train. I knew he wasnt American because of his clothes. His passport was also red and ours are blue lol. He kept smiling at me, but I wasn't going to say anything. Needless to say that's the end of that story. I got off the train and we smiled our last goodbyes. He wasn't going to Milan lol.

I had already been given a heads-up that my first class dreams weren't coming true because of the weight imbalance. There are almost no people on this plane. I ended up sitting in economy comfort, which makes all the difference. There is SO much more leg room. We are, however, on an older aircraft with overhead TV's and I was really looking forward to the in-seat screens where you pick what you want to watch. Crazy Stupid Love was mediocre, slept through Harry Potter, and watched half of Just Go With It. Still had over 2 hours left after that went off. I walked around the plane a bit to avoid fat feet. Spent 40 minutes rebraiding my hair in the lavatory (not trying to be fancy, that's what it says on the door lol). Tried to read some of my book but that just wasn't doing it for me. I've been typing on this little keyboard for 30 minutes so I guess writing this blog post was a good idea.

The sun is rising and it's beautiful. If I were a painter I'd paint it. But I ain't lol. We're finally flying over land so that means we're getting closer. I also know we're getting closer because I can tell time and they turned the lights on. Maybe they'll tell me to cut off my phone soon!!! I've been counting down to Milan for like 4 days. I haven't been able to sleep. They're bringing breakfast through and 1.
It's 1a in Atlanta. I don't want no breakfast and 2. I don't want to eat. Just get me off this boring plane!!!! We should have about another hour left. I also feel fat feet coming on. Dammit. I also have to lug those big bags through customs at the airport. Dammit. Again. lol And my phone is dying and they're playing Usher and David Guetta music videos on the TV. Ugghhhhh!!! Loooosssiiinnnggg!!....No I'm not. I'm moving to Milan. lol

1 comment:

George Sarfo Dwomoh said...

Cant wait to hear more on the adventure.