Thursday, August 9, 2012

What if nobody gave a shit about Honey Boo Boo?

Yes, what if everybody in this country, and I will not "excuse my French," couldn't give two shits about Honey Boo Boo child? Or Love and Hip Hop or who Evelyn L. is sleeping with, or the siliconed, botoxed moms from Real Housewives? What if we actually watched news in this country??? What if nobody wasted 30 seconds of their time posting about Gabby Douglas' hair and actually focused on the fact that she is, essentially, now immortal at the age of 16. Seriously, what have you done lately? Maybe if you were more focused on accomplishing something in life and not on what your hair looked like, this entire country would be better off. ...

 Now, I don't mean to sound like a high and mighty elitist because I am far from it. I have wasted hours of my life watching Erica and ol' girl on Love and Hip Hop fight. Unfortunately, I know the source of the statement, "You are a non-motherf****** factor." And Nene Leakes. I mean who doesn't love that woman right? The worst part, is that, at some point I actually justified wasting hours of my life that I will never get back watching trash tv. And what was my rationale? ... Ah, ya know, I just need to unwind my brain at the end of the day ... Watching these people reminds me how absolutely blessed I am to have a brain ... These women make me feel better about myself. ... Really? Really? No, seriously? That's the best I could do? So, in reality, I had absolutely no reason for watching the garbage on television. 1. I was always told that small people talk about others. That people who spend time laughing at other people are so insecure with themselves that that is the only way they can feel better about who they are. Is that you? It sure wasn't me. 2. I could "unwind" at the end of the day with music and meditation. I could unwind with some conversation with my family. I could spend an hour watching TED talks and documentaries; all of which I currently do. And why do I do that? Because, at some point while living in Europe and not finding anything "good" on tv, I decided I should do something like, uh, well, productive. I like, started to read these things called um books again! O_O One of my fondest childhood memories is going to the library with my mom and picking out books. Boy did my mom and I read when I was little. I even remember when I started to read the books she was reading! James Patterson. That was our guy. We would read books and talk about books. Then one day she kept reading and I started watching the Real Housewives of Atlanta, or some equally pointless show whose name I don't remember. And I started becoming a less productive human being overall LOL

And don't say, "Well there's nothing else on tv. That's what the producers keep making." ... YES, DUMB ASS, BECAUSE YOU KEEP WATCHING IT! If everyone was to turn their televisions off (or simply turn to something else), stop tweeting/facebooking and talking about these shows, producers would create something else. I promise. I bet my entire existence on it. And if you don't believe me, why don't we all try it??Whether or not a series returns to television, or even gets past the first 3 episodes, is determined by these things called ratings. So the producers are only giving what you want people. Don't you think you should demand something more from your television networks??

And what if all the American people even showed the "news" media that we didn't care about the garbage they were selling us either? What if we actually cared about stuff that was happening in the world? What if we demanded that the they stop feeding us negativity all day, everyday? What if CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC didn't talk about the same 5 stories all day??? What if the one story that dominated the news for days wasn't whether or not a Christian-based company opposed gay marriage?? (BTW: WHAT A SURPRISE?!!! O_O OMG! HOW ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS! ... -____-) And while we're questioning things that might make this country a better place ... What if the American people actually used their constitutional rights to tell our politicians that we aren't going to stand for anymore F***ING BULLSHIT! What if we told politicians, "Look you can either drop this birth certificate issue and start talking about REAL problems, or get your ass out of office." ....

Ok, now I'm just being an idealist ...


ShaMo said...
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ShaMo said...

DITTO, DITTO, AND DITTO!!! Don't miss cable TV at alllll. The sheep mentality is killing this country. PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!! If you don't start making decisions for yourself then somebody else definitely will make them for you. I prefer making my own mistakes and cleaning up my own S**T than to clean someone elses. ASK President Obama....He knows! Because he's been cleaning Bush's S*!T for the last 4 years!!!