I suppose I don't really have an exciting life to share any new super cool updates. Honestly, I can only write when I am really inspired, which is why I have not pursued a job as a freelance writer. I enjoy writing, but only when I want to and when I can write about what I want to write about. In fact, the pressure to write here for my devoted fans (hehe) is too much pressure LOL. Sometimes I just don't have anything to say. Sometimes I write and just don't do anything with it. LOL.
Here is a quick life update:
Yes, I am still struggling with that whole "What am I doing in my life to help others?" thing right now. I mean I have a job, and I'm doing MODEL26 stuff, but I don't really feel like I'm doing anything. It's quite frustrating. I spent an entire week in another city, so that eased my withdrawal symptoms from not traveling for a bit, but by next month I'm sure I'll be feeling them again. In general, I haven't really been thinking about the future much. I only look at my financial planning spreadsheet about once a week (which is a dramatic decrease from about 4 times per day). I turned in my Fulbright application for 2012-2013, and I guess maybe I'll fill out some grad school applications soon, but in general I feel like I'm just going through the motions again. I suppose that also contributes to my lack of inspiration to write. Maybe things will get better soon. Sorry to be a Debby Downer!
You know...on a tangent...there are two things that really grind my gears:
1. Unnecessarily difficult captchas. First off, who came up with the name captcha. That's stupid. Secondly, how am I supposed to read that????
2. "Your username or password are incorrect"...well is it the username or the password??? JC!
This has been giving me the giggles for a few days: