Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Day Before

So in 13 hours I head to the best airport in the world...Hartsfield-Jackson airport in Atlanta, of course! Then to Nicaragua by way of Miami. I just spent...well I'm not sure how long it took, but it was a lot of time...packing up all the school supplies to take on my trip. I counted on fitting all the supplies into one big suitcase, but that didn't work out. Also, in case you didn't know, packs of paper are heavy when you put them all together. Consequently, I am almost positive the larger of the two suitcases I have weighs more than the 50lbs limit, which is gonna hit my pockets hard if the Delta agent isn't nice enough to let me slide. I've been let off the hook before, but that was when my bags were a pound or two over, and I have a feeling this bag is A LOT more than a pound or two over 50. So, say a prayer that the ticketing agent will take pity on me or will be so inspired by my noble purpose that (s)he will let me slide. Oooorrrr, if you are reading this and want to help me out ;-) you can go to and click the DONATE button on the homepage (shameless, I know. But closed mouths don't get fed right)

Speaking of MODEL26...I can't believe I'm leaving someone else in charge for 10 whole days! This organization is my baby, but I fully trust Julia to handle things. She's been great already and I'm sure she'll keep everyone on top of things at "the office" while I'm gone. Oh, and in case you're wondering, the school supplies I'm taking with me were collected by MODEL UN at Peachtree Ridge High School in Georgia and DPO at UGA. The list of everything going with me is below:

24 packs of markers 
22 pencil cases
13 rulers
9 glue sticks
5 colored pencil packs
541 pencils
6 crayon packs
88 folders
73 erasers
127 pens
30 notebooks
Big thank you to my best friend Shelly for sitting in my garage in Georgia summer heat the day after she returned from France to help me count all these supplies! 
Although I will have to be stealthy about getting my checked bags on the plane for free ;-) or at regular price, I have no worries when it comes to my carry-on baggage. I am so proud of myself for managing to pack VERY light. AND I have ten days worth of snacks in my backpack. At least I got that part right. I won't be taking my laptop with me (too much pressure), but I'll have my little whackberry, which isn't so bad I guess. Overall, I'm a little nervous about traveling alone. How will I know which taxi driver I'm supposed to be riding with? What if my bags get lost? What if I forget all the Spanish I've learned? What if I miss my flight? What if I lose my money/passport? So please say a prayer for me!! Even though I'm anxious, I'm looking forward to solo plane/bus rides so that I can spend some one-on-one quiet time with the Big Man. While I'm on this tiny journey, I'll be listening for that still, small whisper. :-)


1 comment:

David Rosenfeld said...

Anytime! Keep your post coming! Enjoy the trip!